englisch aufgaben, wäre sehr nett

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  • englisch aufgaben, wäre sehr nett

    Also, hab da paar Englischaufgaben und bräuchte eure Hilfe ;)
    Wäre sehr nett!
    Müsst auch nicht gleich alles ausfüllen sondern nur das was ihr wisst :P


    1. Find your own definitions for these words. (nur 1 satz)

    a. Program:
    b. drug:
    c. experiment:

    1. Ask questions and use the correct forms of the verbs. ( take – listen – say - sell – use – cost)

    1. When _________ Brian _______ to the radio?
    2. Why __________ you ________ a shower every morning?
    3. How often _______ your brother ______ deodorant?
    4. What _______ the article _______ about the TV program last night?
    5. How much _______ these shoes ______?
    6. Where _______ they ______ the vegetarian shoes?

    2. Fill in the missing forms.

    Simple present | Simple past | Present perfect
    She wears | ________ | ________
    He loses | __________ | ___________
    ______ | It happened | It has happened
    _______ | She had | She has had

    3. Fill in the verbs. Use the correct form.

    Rob Hancock ______ (be) 38, _______ (live) in Brighton and _______ (produce) vegetarian shoes.
    He first _____ (have) this idea more than 12 years ago, in 1990.
    He sold his first pair of shoes in 1991.
    Today he ______(sell) one pair for about € 49.
    Paul McCartney bought at least ten pairs during the last years.
    Mr Hancock _____ (open) three new shops next year.

    4. Reading comprehension

    French fries fight fires
    The fire brigade in Holland has a new method of fighting fires in kitchens. They throw frozen French fries on them! Often a fire starts in a kitchen when a pan filled with oil gets too hot and breaks out in flames. Two restaurant fires in Holland have already been stopped with icy potatoes. The Dutch fire brigade says one kilo of frozen French fries is enough to put out one big pan of burning cooking oil.
    There is only one problem: You can’t eat the fries afterwards!

    a) Answer the questions. Write full sentences.

    1. How do the firemen fight kitchen fires?
    2. How can a fire start in a kitchen?
    3. How many fries do you need to put out a fire in a pan?

    b) Find the words in the text.

    1. a ground of men who fight fires: _________________
    2. a different way, another way: ___________________
    3. very cold: ___________________

    c) Report what these people say.

    One fireman: “We come from Amsterdam.”


    Two firemen: “There are lots of kitchen fires in Holland.”


    Cook: “My kitchen burned down last summer.”


    Waitress: “My sister has a new kitchen, too.”


    5. A TV program
    Fill in the correct words. (ago – although – carefully – drugs – safe – tests – that’s why)

    Some day’s _____ Mary Jo watched a program about animal experiments. She thought the experiments were cruel and awful. Mary Jo was very sorry for the animals and ______ she thinks she is a vegetarian. In the program they showed _____ on cats. They tested _____ to make sure they are ____ for humans. But – drugs may not be safe for humans _____ they were tested on animals. Mary Jo had an argument with her brother. He told her that the experiments are done ______ and the animals don’t fell any pain. In the end Mary Jo thought that perhaps he was right.

    6. Creative writing

    Write an article for the school magazine about four favourite sports. Explain what you have to do, how many people you need and why you like it.
  • rotfl...er wollte Antworten, keine Fragen....

    ...kann es sein, dass Du ein kleiner fauler Sack bist, kann ja verstehen, wenn man mal was nicht weiß, aber hier komplette Aufgabe posten....tss
    wie wärs denn, wenn Du mal mit dem anfängst, was Du weißt?
  • Yimmi schrieb:

    rotfl...er wollte Antworten, keine Fragen....

    ...kann es sein, dass Du ein kleiner fauler Sack bist, kann ja verstehen, wenn man mal was nicht weiß, aber hier komplette Aufgabe posten....tss
    wie wärs denn, wenn Du mal mit dem anfängst, was Du weißt?

    das was ich weiß hab ich auch weggelassen und nicht gepostet, sonst wärs nicht so kurz

    googler, das ist net von da
  • Ich will mal nicht so sein. Hab heute meinen netten Tag. Ich möchte dir aber dringend raten, es erstmal selber zu versuchen und dann zu vergleichen und ggf nochmal nachzufragen, damit du es auch verstehst, was mehr bringt als abzuschreiben (Ich glaub halt noch an das gute im Menschen :) )

    Drug: You take drugs to cure yourself from illnesses.
    Experiment: A test to determine how something functions.

    2. Ask questions and use the correct forms of the verbs. ( take – listen – say - sell – use – cost)

    1. When will Brian listen to the radio?
    2. Why do you take a shower every morning?
    3. How often does your brother use deodorant?
    4. What does the article say about the TV program last night?
    5. How much does these shoes cost?
    6. Where do they sell the vegetarian shoes?

    3.Fill in the missing forms.

    Simple present | Simple past | Present perfect
    She wears | she wore | she has worn
    He loses | he lost | he has lost
    It happens | It happened | It has happened
    she has | She had | She has had

    4. Fill in the verbs. Use the correct form.

    Rob Hancock is (be) 38, lives (live) in Brighton and produces (produce) vegetarian shoes.
    He first had (have) this idea more than 12 years ago, in 1990.
    He sold his first pair of shoes in 1991.
    Today he sold (sell) one pair for about € 49.
    Paul McCartney bought at least ten pairs during the last years.
    Mr Hancock is going to open (open) three new shops next year.

    5. Reading comprehension

    French fries fight fires
    The fire brigade in Holland has a new method of fighting fires in kitchens. They throw frozen French fries on them! Often a fire starts in a kitchen when a pan filled with oil gets too hot and breaks out in flames. Two restaurant fires in Holland have already been stopped with icy potatoes. The Dutch fire brigade says one kilo of frozen French fries is enough to put out one big pan of burning cooking oil.
    There is only one problem: You can’t eat the fries afterwards!

    a) Answer the questions. Write full sentences.

    1. How do the firemen fight kitchen fires?
    They throw frozen French Fries into the fire.
    2. How can a fire start in a kitchen?
    An oil filled pan gets to hot and bursts into flames.
    3. How many fries do you need to put out a fire in a pan?
    You need about one kilo of frozen French Fries.

    b) Find the words in the text.

    1. a ground of men who fight fires: fire brigade
    2. a different way, another way: a new method
    3. very cold: icy

    c) Report what these people say.

    One fireman: “We come from Amsterdam.”
    He said, that they came from amsterdam.
    __________________________________________________ _______

    Two firemen: “There are lots of kitchen fires in Holland.”
    They said, that there are lots of kitchen fires in Holland
    __________________________________________________ _________

    Cook: “My kitchen burned down last summer.”
    The cook has told me, that is kitchen burned down last summer.
    __________________________________________________ __________

    Waitress: “My sister has a new kitchen, too.”
    She said, that her sister does also have a new kitchen.
    __________________________________________________ ___________

    A TV program
    Fill in the correct words. (ago – although – carefully – drugs – safe – tests – that’s why)

    Some day’s ago Mary Jo watched a program about animal experiments. She thought the experiments were cruel and awful. Mary Jo was very sorry for the animals and that's why she thinks she is a vegetarian. In the program they showed tests on cats. They tested drugs to make sure they are safe for humans. But – drugs may not be safe for humans although they were tested on animals. Mary Jo had an argument with her brother. He told her that the experiments are done carefully and the animals don’t fell any pain. In the end Mary Jo thought that perhaps he was right.

    6. Creative writing

    Write an article for the school magazine about four favourite sports. Explain what you have to do, how many people you need and why you like it.

    Tja Junge, kreatives Schreiben. Da bleibt dir nichts anderes übrig als das selbst zu machen. Aber das Thema ist nicht all zu schwer. Wenn du willst kannst du ja das Ergebnis zur Kontrolle hier posten.

    Ich übernehm natürlich keine Garantie für die Richtigkeit, sollte aber soweit alles stimmen hoffe ich (für Korrekturen bin ich natürlich dankbar).
    Nur bei erstens muss ich sagen, dass ich bei Definitionen immer Probleme habe. Vielleicht kann da noch jemand was besseres dazu sagen.
  • lol, die jugend von heute... lässt sich im internet ihre hausaufgaben machen... als ich noch hausaufgaben machen sollte, hab ich sie einfach nicht gemacht, oder wenn zwingend notwendig, in nem andere unterricht gemacht... aber... ich glaub ich hab seit der 8. klasse keine hausaufgaben mehr gemacht... und meine schulzeit ist grad mal... nen halbes jahr her... 12 (eigentlich 13, hab aber nen jahr übersprungen) jahre schule... und da sieht man mal wie schnell sich die generationen weiterentwickeln... bei uns wäre niemand auf die idee gekommen, in foren die hausaufgaben machen zu lassen... .-.

    nebenbei... du solltest in deiner freizeit einfach mal ein wenig zeit in englischsprachigen foren verbringen, desto mehr, desto besser, denn dann bekommst du ein gutes gefühl für die sprache und weist meistens sofort, was du wo und wie schreiben sollst/kannst... (hat mir damals in der abi-vorklausur sehr geholfen, als ich ne suizid-storry über jemanden geschrieben hab... meine lehrerin hat mir dafür ne 1 gegeben und ich hatte mich gar net angestrengt... .-.)
  • Habe zwar nicht die komplette Aufgabe durchgelesen, aber bei der indirekten Rede möchte ich gerne was verbessern:

    - Steht das einleitende Verb im simple past (z.B. 'said'), dann muss die Zeit normalerweise verändert werden ("backshift of tenses"), also zum Beispiel beim 3. Satz:

    Two firemen: “There are lots of kitchen fires in Holland.”
    They said that there were lots of kitchen fires in Holland.

    oder hier:
    Waitress: “My sister has a new kitchen, too.”
    She said that her sister had also a new kitchen.

    - Und wichtig ist auch noch, dass im Englisch vor that KEIN Komma steht! (Das that könnte man auch weglassen.)

    - Da die Aufgabe heißt "report what these people say", könnte es auch sein, dass das einleitende Verb in der Gegenwart stehen soll, oder? (Ansonsten müsste es doch 'said' heißen :confused: )
    Wenn du dann schreibst "They say that..." (also das einleitende Verb im simple present / present perfect steht) brauchst du aber die Zeiten nicht "backshiften" sondern die gleichen verwenden wie in der direkten Rede.
    Also z.B.
    He says that they come from Amsterdam.
  • Hmm, hast recht mit deiner ersten theorie!

    simple present -> simple past
    simple perfect -> past perfect
    simple past -> past perfect

    so war das vorgegebene shema unseres Lehrers

    Außerdem verstehe ich an dem wort "report", dass ichs berichten soll.

    d.h. müssten diese sätze auch richtig sein:

    Two firemen: “There are lots of kitchen fires in Holland.”
    They said that there were lots of kitchen fires in Holland.

    oder hier:
    Waitress: “My sister has a new kitchen, too.”
    She said that her sister had also a new kitchen.